
Top 10 Mistakes in Writing

October 27, 2022

There are many mistakes that can be made when writing. From typos and poor grammar, to not taking the time to edit your work, these are all common mistakes that can easily be avoided.

By being aware of these mistakes, you’ll be able to produce better quality writing and avoid any embarrassing errors. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the top 10 mistakes people make when writing.

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Misspellings and Grammatical Errors

As a writer, I’m always striving to produce the best possible content for my readers. However, no matter how carefully I proofread my work, there are always occasional misspellings or grammatical errors that slip through. While these mistakes may seem minor, they can actually have a major impact on the quality of your writing.‌

In addition to making your work look sloppy, misspellings and grammatical errors can also change the meaning of what you’re trying to say. In some cases, they can even make your writing completely incomprehensible. As frustrating as they may be, though, these mistakes are an inevitable part of the writing process. The important thing is to catch them before your work is published and to learn from them so that you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

I suggest using Grammarly for this, it is a great tool that can help you to avoid these types of mistakes.

Bad structure and flow

The structure and flow of your content is just as important as the quality of the writing itself. A well-organized piece will be easy to read and understand, while a poorly structured one will be confusing and off-putting.

‌There are a few things to keep in mind when planning the structure of your content.‌

  1. Consider the overall message you want to communicate and make sure each section supports that goal.
  2. Think about the order in which you want to present your information.
  3. Use clear and concise language throughout.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your content has a strong structure and flow that will engage and inform your readers.

Not reading your work out loud

I can’t tell you how many times I read something that sounded great in my head, only to find out that it didn’t quite translate when I read it out loud.

‌This is a common mistake that content writers make – we get so caught up in what we’re thinking that we don’t take the time to actually hear how our words sound. But if you want your writing to be truly effective, it’s important to read it out loud before you publish it.

‌This will help you to catch any awkward phrasing or choppy sentences, and it will also give you a better sense of the overall flow of your piece.

So next time you’re finishing up a blog post or article, take a step back and give it a listen using a text to speech tool like or reading out your content aloud.

Using repetitive words

Another writing mistake that can damage your content’s clarity and impact is using repetitive words. Repetitive words are words that are used too often or that don’t add anything to your sentence.

‌For example, if you wrote “The cat slept on the mat” four times in a row, that would be repetitive. The same goes for words like “very,” “really,” and “extremely.” These words don’t add any meaning to your sentence, and they can make your writing sound boring and unconvincing.

If you find yourself using these words too often, try to find a more interesting way to say what you’re trying to say.

Lengthy sentences

The next time you’re reviewing your content, ask yourself if your sentences are too long. A good rule of thumb is to limit yourself to 20 words per sentence. If you find yourself going over that limit on a regular basis, it’s likely that your sentences are too taxonomic.

This can be a real problem when trying to engage your audience. After all, who wants to read through a wall of text? Breaking up your sentences will make your content more readable and therefore more enjoyable for your readers.

So, don’t be afraid to hit the enter key a little more often. Your readers will thank you for it.

‌In case you’re using WordPress, Yoast SEO is a good plugin that does this check correctly and gives you suggestions on how to improve your overall readability score as well.

Starting in the wrong tone

If you’ve ever written an article or blog post that got little to no engagement, you may have made the mistake of starting in the wrong tone. It’s a common error, and one that can be easily fixed.‌

The key is to think about who your audience is and what they want to read. Are you writing for casual readers or experts in your field? Are you trying to entertain or inform? Once you know your audience and what they’re looking for, you can choose a tone that will resonate with them.‌

If you’re still not sure, try reading your work aloud. Does it sound natural, or are there awkward phrases that sound forced?

Making a few small tweaks can make all the difference in how well your content is received.

Being too technical

I see it all the time in content marketing: marketers try to get too technical with their writing, using jargon and product names instead of plain language. They think this will make them sound more authoritative, but it usually has the opposite effect.

Most readers just tune out when they encounter too much technical detail, and they may even come away feeling alienated or offended if they don’t know what you’re talking about.

‌So, unless you’re writing for a very specific audience of experts, it’s always best to keep your language simple and straightforward.

‌That way, you’ll maximize your chances of actually connecting with your reader and getting your message across.

Not using subheadings

Subheadings are essential for breaking up text and help to keep readers engaged. When used effectively, they can also help to highlight key points and improve the overall structure of an article.

‌However, many writers fail to take advantage of this valuable tool. As a result, their articles can appear daunting and difficult to read.

‌Top authors recommend using subheadings whenever possible in order to make your content more user-friendly and readable.

By doing so, you will be able to keep your readers engaged and improve the overall quality of your writing. In case you’re using Yoast SEO, it does check the right usage of headings and flags any content that is long with out headings.

Not using lists to your advantage

When you’re writing a blog post, article or even just a landing page, it’s oh-so-easy to go off on a tangent.

‌You start with a great idea for a headline, and then five paragraphs later, you’re still going strong… But is your content still focused on that original idea? More often than not, the answer is no. And that’s where lists come in.

‌See, when you’re trying to make a point (or several points), listing them out is an incredibly effective way to keep your content focused – and to make sure your readers take away what you want them to.

‌Think about it: when you read a list, each item is like its own mini-headline. So even if somebody only reads the headlines (and let’s be honest, most people do), they’ll still get the gist of what you’re saying. And if they’re interested enough to keep reading, they’ll be able to see how each item ties into the others – andinto your original point.

‌Lists are also great for breaking up big blocks of text – which not only makes for easier reading, but also helps to highlight individual points. So next time you sit down to write something, try starting with a list.

You may be surprised at how much more focused – and readable – your content becomes.

Using passive voice

Passive voice is a form of writing in which the subject is acted upon by the verb.

‌For example, “The ball was thrown by the boy.” In this sentence, the subject (ball) is being acted upon by the verb (thrown), and the boy is playing the role of the actor/agent. While passive voice is not necessarily incorrect, it can often make your writing sound weak or unclear.

‌When used excessively, passive voice can make your writing appear lazy or afraid to take responsibility. For these reasons, it’s generally best to avoid passive voice when possible.

‌However, there are a few instances where passive voice can be used effectively.

‌For example, if you want to emphasize the recipient of an action rather than the actor/agent, you may use passive voice. Additionally, sometimes using passive voice can help to create a more graceful or elegant sentence.

‌Overall, using passive voice is a common mistake when writing content, but there are a few instances where it can be used effectively.

‌As a conclusion, focus on these 10 common mistakes mentioned in this post and it’ll help you save a lot of time during the editing process.

‌Fixing these common mistakes will help make your writing much cleaner and more polished. In addition, don’t forget to have someone else read over your work before you hit publish—a second set of eyes can always catch things you may have missed.

‌By following these tips, you can be sure that your next content piece or article will be the best it can be.