
Keyword Cannibalization

February 25, 2023

Have you ever tried to rank for a keyword on Google only to find out that another page on your website is ranking for that same keyword? It feels like two of your pages are competing against each other instead of working together, right? This phenomenon is commonly known as keyword cannibalization.

Cannibalization can happen without anyone actually noticing because it might not have an immediate impact on SEO performance. But long term, it can become a real issue when it comes to organic visibility and traffic from searches if web pages are constantly competing with each other for the same kind of searches.

If you’ve been in the SEO world for any appreciable length of time then chances are that you’ve encountered keyword cannibalization either directly or indirectly. In this blog post, I’ll show you exactly how to identify if your website has fallen victim to its wrath and give tips on how to fix it so you can get back on track towards better rankings and more organic traffic from search engines.

When it comes to keyword cannibalization, many marketers miss the mark. It’s a common misconception that this problem occurs solely due to accidental duplicate content.

Why does it happen?

Tightly packed language, tediously detailed back-stories and the sameness of content are all symptoms of a common ailment we know as keyword cannibalization.

It starts innocently enough, with writers shoehorning their articles to target certain phrases and terms in hopes of drawing greater organic web traffic or impressing a search engine algorithm.

But it quickly gets out of hand, leading to low-quality content cluttering the digital landscape. All too often this practice is done without regard for the reader’s experience; churning out articles that are uninspired and dry.

As marketers, our responsibility is to provide meaningful, interesting content that genuinely helps our targeted audience; connect readers with an exciting story that piques their interest and educates them about our product offering — not keywords masquerading as blog posts.

Understandably, SEO best practices need to factor into every article’s creation process. We’ve all witnessed trends come and go when it comes to optimizing for major search engines; best practices which can easily tilt towards keyword overload if left unchecked.

How to recognize it?

Searching for keyword cannibalization is a cinch. Simply type ‘ “keyword”’ into Google Search and you can easily spot duplicate declarations.

Once an overlap has been detected, take the time to examine each page individually to pursue any potential paths that might be causing such duplication. This method enables you to gain a better understanding of why different pages are competing against each other online and what changes may be necessary in order to achieve greater distinctiveness with the same keyword.

To further solidify the evidence, conduct searches via private browsers or specialized tools such as – this hooks onto your google search console data and gives you a full report in one click.

Why you should address it?

Cannibalizing your terms can be a costly mistake. You might think it’s harmless to overload your resources with the same keyword, but that one move can dilute your brand message and create confusion for potential customers.

But what if there were a better way?

What if you could unlock your online presence by solving keyword cannibalization?

Just imagine how it would feel to have a unified digital strategy, across all relevant mediums, that spoke to the same core messages and principles of your brand. It may seem too good to be true, but improvement is possible.

The process starts with an audit to determine where you stand with page rank and content saturation. Once you have an overview of where you stand, then it’s time to make changes and find creative ways to strengthen your content offering while never forgetting the rationale behind why you initially chose certain keywords.

Being able to differentiate between similar topics while keeping language universal is also important – this will prevent keyword overlap leading towards duplication of content. Instead, look for subtle variants in words that allow for creative expression without any risk of being lost in a sea of SEO desperation – this is the real solution for keyword cannibalization!

So ditch the first-timers’ approach and try something fresh: devote pre-existing pages to existing topics rather than mapping new ones from scratch; instead, select topics suitable for multiple uses; refine specific subtopics within each category so as not to become overwhelming or confusing; optimize titles yet don’t limit them as indexes; consider long-term fixes over quick-fixes; ensure global language consistency–establishing local dialects for regional searches—and always be sure to apply contextual analysis into account when creating fresh content!

How do you stop it from happening again?

Preventing keyword cannibalization requires persistent vigilance. Monitor keyword rankings regularly and check for duplicate or redundant content.

Analyze existing websites to get an understanding of any potential overlap between topics, titles or even meta-description tags. Identify trends in content to look for similarities between them that may appear out of place.

Wherever possible, adding a no-index tag to pages you intend will not bring in any leads. Education within your company can also be beneficial; ensure all teams are aware of the risks of keyword cannibalization and how it can adversely affect search results for important products and services.

Finally, reassess your overall SEO strategy. Make sure you’re leveraging semantically related keywords so your SERP presence doesn’t trigger a conflict with other pages appearing on the same page with different titles but similar content. Restricting access permissions for non-essential personnel to edit content and creating template approaches for copywriters can also prove invaluable in preventing conflicts from arising again in the future.

The lesson here is that when you start something new, it’s important to go back to basics and assess what’s going well and what can be improved before taking any action. Find those unique qualities that differentiate your pages and emphasize them – do the work to make sure you stay targeted and prevent keyword cannibalization now rather than regretting later!

Where else can you apply this solution?

Solving keyword cannibalization requires more than understanding search engine algorithms and rankings. It demands a conceptual approach that considers the relationships and associations between words.

It’s critical to look at each term’s meaning in various contexts to determine which keyword or phrase can best describe your objective. From there, you need to develop a framework of ideas that will be used as anchors throughout your content and optimize them accordingly, selecting titles and meta descriptions to maximize the click-through rate.

At a deeper level, it also involves considering user intent and weighing the relative value of keywords hierarchically so that users are given the right information right away. This concept of sequencing is especially important in terms of SEO cues for Google, which would appreciate minimal ambiguity in terms used within the primary content areas such as headers and body copy.

And don’t forget about related search queries—the use of recommended phrases from competitive analyses can help broaden the reach & capture higher search volume within an audience segment with complicated buying journeys.

There’s no getting around the fact that research is hard work but applying useful solutions takes strategic acumen & creativity; it’s not a task meant for robots alone!

Keyword cannibalization template that can be used

Step 1: Conducting Keyword Research

The first step in avoiding keyword cannibalization is to conduct thorough keyword research. This will help you identify the most important and relevant keywords for your site, and ensure that each page is targeting a unique set of keywords. Some tips to keep in mind when conducting keyword research include:

  • Using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to find relevant keywords
  • Analyzing your competitors’ keywords and identifying gaps in your own keyword strategy
  • Focusing on long-tail keywords and phrases that are more specific and less competitive

Step 2: Identifying Potential Instances of Cannibalization

Once you have identified your target keywords, the next step is to identify potential instances of cannibalization on your site. This can be done by:

  • Using Google Analytics to track keyword rankings and identify pages that are ranking for the same keywords
  • Analyzing your site’s architecture and structure to identify duplicate content or pages that are targeting the same keywords
  • Conducting a content audit to identify pages that are outdated or no longer relevant, and consolidating them with other pages on your site

Step 3: Optimizing Your Site’s Structure

To prevent keyword cannibalization, it is important to optimize your site’s structure and ensure that each page is targeting a unique set of keywords. Some tips to keep in mind include:

  • Using clear and descriptive URL structures that reflect the content of each page
  • Avoiding duplicate content and ensuring that each page has unique and high-quality content
  • Creating an internal linking strategy that directs users to relevant pages on your site and helps search engines understand the hierarchy of your content

In conclusion, keyword cannibalization can be avoided by taking a methodical approach to your content creation. Research and refine topics, titles, and descriptions to ensure relevancy and use keyword mapping tools to track performance over time. Use language that is easily understood, consider search intent when crafting copy and apply internal linking strategies for better organic performance. Finally, educate teams in-house so everyone is aware of the risks associated.